Blackbraid est un projet solo de black metal autochtone issu des profondeurs de la nature sauvage des Adirondacks, créant une musique aussi brute et puissante que les montagnes d'où elle est venue...
La musique de Blackbraid s'inspire des forces de la nature qui nous entourent, des émotions maîtrisant la rage et de la tristesse, et de la profonde spiritualité du créateur du projet, Sgah'gahsowáh ; un natif du sud élevé dans les montagnes du nord-est. Son nom de scène a été choisi pour honorer la terre Mohawk qui inspire une grande partie de la musique de Blackbraid.
Blackbraid est un artiste farouchement indépendant, qui trace vicieusement une voie nouvelle et inspirante pour les peuples autochtones et les musiciens underground.
- Représentation -
Blackbraid est un artiste indépendant et n'est sous contrat ni n'appartient à aucun label de musique.
Réservation et contact : Contact@Blackbraid.us
Gestion : Ashley@Blackbraid.us
RP : Katy Irizarry : Katy@SuspiriaPR.com
Boutique et vente en gros : Sales@WolfMountainProductions.com
Full profile, interview, & show review published in the NY times Music section print & digital editions.
"black metal has expanded and diversified, so much so that the genre’s latest success story, the one-man band Blackbraid, hails from the Adirondacks and draws on its founder’s Native American roots rather than Vikings and medieval weapons."
- Live debut with the Decibel Magazine Tour -
- "Blackbraid I" featured in the 40 Albums of 2022 -
- "Blackbraid II" featured in the 40 Albums of 2023 -
"Blackbraid III" in The Top 21 Most Anticipated Albums of 2025
- Feature story in issue 368 -
- Featured in "10 up & coming black metal bands" -
"don’t expect his music to lapse into the usual trappings of blast beats and Satanic lyrics; he’s out to subvert the genre’s every cliche."
Self-released album "Blackbraid II" enters the official Billboard charts
Emerging Artist #29
Top Current Album Sales #48
Top Album Sales #88
Canadian Album Sales #16 -
- "Blackbraid I" rated 8.5/10 -
- "Blackbraid II" trated 10/10 -
"Sgah'gahsowah, the one man behind the project, is able to take the traditional sounds of black metal and then further shape and move them in a very distinct and novel direction...Another reason to really love this record is that, unlike many of the solo black metal acts out there, Blackbraid is unafraid to use modern production techniques and give depth and resonance to sound."
- Feature story in Issue 99 -
The 15 Best Metal Albums of 2022
"When Blackbraid’s debut single, “Barefoot Ghost Dance on Bloodsoaked Soil,” came out last February, the metal world took a collective gasp"
Review: Blackbraid II is an Uncompromising Take on Black Metal
"There’s a certain quality that is needed for good black metal that doesn’t quite have a word, at least not in English. It’s the quality of being simultaneously grimy and crusty, sounding like it crawled out of the depths of hell, while also remaining triumphant and melodic when it comes to the riffs.
Only select bands have nailed this over the years: Dark Throne, Dark Funeral, Spectral Wound, and now, Blackbraid."